Maytag amana jenn air range stove small cooktop radiant surface element 8273994. This 6 small radiant haliant burner is rated at 1200/1600 watts. If a burner malfunctions, it will heat to the incorrect temperature, or may fail to heat altogether. In this instance, you must remove the burner and install a new one.
Each element is installed between the heat-treated glass and a steel bracket, where the elment connects to an electrical socket. Whirlpool estate kitchenaid roper maytag admiral amana speed queen jenn-air magic chef crosley caloric glenwood hardwick menumaster modern maid montgomery wards norge jc penney wards sears kenmore. Most modern electric ranges have a ceramic glass-top surface, which has replaced the now-outdated metal coil cook-top. Rather than being located on the surface, the burners are hidden under the glass. Either individual brackets or cross-braces secure the burners to the underside of the main top.Remove the screws securing the cross-brace or bracket that holds up the faulty burner. Then transfer the wires from the terminals on the old burner to the terminals on the new burner. Reinstall the burner, then reassemble the range by reversing the steps you took to disassemble it. 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Here at we have a passion for do-it-yourselfers and home repairs.
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Please review the entire listing carefully and make certain you are ordering the part you need. While we strive to update our listing pictures as quickly as possible, an outdated picture is not grounds for return. You must obtain a return authorization to return the part within this time frame. Parts are not eligible for return for any reason if we are not notified within the 14 day time frame. This is to insure that we can file a claim with the carrier when applicable.All items being returned must be in their original packaging and accompanied by any instruction manuals and other paperwork. All items must be in a brand new (without signs of installation) and resaleable condition.
All parts are inspected for signs of installation upon our receipt of them. We recommend that the customer insures items being returned. In no way shall general appliance parts be liable for any loss, damage, fire, explosion, injury, including any incidental or consequential damages, or death as a result of ordering and/or installing any parts from our website or from the results of any action taken due to reading information found on our website. The information is provided as a courtesy to our customers to enhance their understanding of their appliances, it is not to be taken for instructional purposes on how to repair their system.
General appliance parts suggests having all parts, accessories and equipment installed by a qualified heating and air conditioning technician. If a customer attempts to install a part, accessory or equipment, he or she should have a thorough understanding of electricity, reading wiring diagrams and the work to be performed. In no way shall general appliance parts be liable for any loss, damage, injury, including any incidental or consequential damages, or death as a result of ordering and/or installing any parts from our website or from the results of any action due to reading information found on our website.The item "Maytag Amana Jenn Air Range Stove Small Cooktop Radiant Surface Element 8273994" is in sale since Wednesday, September 26, 2012.
This item is in the category "Home & Garden\Major Appliances\Ranges & Cooking Appliances\Parts & Accessories". The seller is "generalapplianceparts" and is located in Louisville, Kentucky. This item can be shipped worldwide.